If you can believe it, your baby has fingernails now. In no time these will be used to scratch your face with razor sharp precision at 2 am while still remaining paper thin enough to be too terrifying to cut. (They are a miracle of nature on so many levels.)
Your baby is also around two inches long, which is typically compared to a lime or plum, but I like to compare it to a Viva Puff. Your baby is the size of a delicious Viva Puff. Don’t know what that is? Look in the cookie aisle next time you’re grocery shopping. You’re welcome.
You’re almost out of the first trimester, which typically means you’re going to start looking pregnant and feeling better soon. I like to refer to it as the Golden Age. It often lasts about 10 minutes so lap it up.
Sore boobs may be starting to subside even though estrogen and progesterone are still both hard at work setting up shop for breastfeeding. Extra blood flow and extra fat make for a great looking set of knockers so this is a great time to wear the v-necks and get free extra guac with your burrito. You may also be rocking protruding nipples and darker, larger areolas, but I suspect anyone viewing them will be too dazzled by your rack to notice even if you’re not digging them.
You may or may not be in maternity clothes yet but the seams may be starting to scream. If this isn’t your first pregnancy you will pop earlier – I like to think your uterus has a bit of a memory and says, “oh, let’s make some room now, that small thing gets really big".
Some women are excited to buy maternity clothes and others dread it. Other women can skip maternity clothes altogether. Just do me a favor and wear stuff that's comfortable and makes you feel good. That doesn't mean dropping a load of cash on maternity clothes (renting is a great option too) but make sure you're giving your growing body grace and wear clothes you can move around in.
12 Weeks Pregnant Cheat Sheet:
- Your baby has a face (albeit with some odd spacing) and fingernails. Nice work!
- Your baby is about 2 - 2.5 inches long (6 cm) and weighs about 1/2 ounce (14 grams).
- You have around 196 days before you give birth.
How many months is 12 weeks pregnant?
Twelve weeks is three months pregnant.
This week's to do:
Look into a birth & baby class. You can often find free ones through your community and there are also great ones online. Here's a great post to get you started called What are the different types of birthing classes?
Wardrobe assessment. You won't need a full closet overhaul to get you through a pregnancy (unless you want to). Check out Build a Maternity Wardrobe (without blowing your budget) to see what you might need. Also, check out Bird Style Box for a constant flow of clothes that fit your changing body.
How are you feeling this week? Let me know here.

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