Mamas and Papas Armadillo Stroller Review
Gear Strollers Video

Mamas and Papas Armadillo Stroller Review

By Amy Morrison
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I am a firm believer that there are no crappy strollers; well, I take that back; there are crappy strollers, but what I mean is that you need to find the stroller that’s appropriate for you and your lifestyle.

This stroller would have been perfect for me.

I live in a city and had a big stroller for walking around, and an umbrella stroller for the car. I found I was always using the umbrella stroller because the big stroller was too heavy and cumbersome for coffee jaunts, getting it in and out of the car at the mall, or getting up and down the stairs in the stores that didn’t have wheelchair access (WTF?!)

Yet the umbrella stroller was hard to steer with one hand, and as my kids got bigger, they looked like a football player squished into an airline seat on a transatlantic flight.

You can have a look below at the very high tech video I made. Most of my time was spent removing crap off the floor so it didn’t look like a hoarder house and feeding my geriatric cat that kept yowling when I’d start filming. I seriously don’t know how Martin Scorsese does it. My apologies if my children have written something obscene on the chalkboard behind me – I forgot to check.

If you don’t want to watch the video, here is my cheat sheet:

Things I Loved:

  • Large seating area to grow with your kid
  • Full recline to accommodate a newborn
  • Giant canopy to block out the elements
  • Nice five-point harness
  • Magnetic little window closure – why don’t all manufacturers do this?
  • Decent basket underneath
  • Single push bar
  • Easy close and open
  • Collapses to a pretty flat size
  • Rain cover included
  • It’s very light (I messed up in the video and said it was 25lbs, it’s only 17 but I didn’t want to clean my house and feed my cat again to reshoot it – I thought it was just strong when I picked it up so easily. When it ships it weighs 25lbs in the box.)

Things to Consider:

  • If you’re looking to click a car seat on this, it only accommodates the Mamas & Papas Aton, Maxi Cosi Mico and Chicco Key Fit 30 car seats with an adapter (sold separately)
  • If you are very tall the handle doesn’t go up and down. I’m 5’4” and my husband is 6’ and we both found it fine.
  • It can be pricey for a secondary stroller
  • The wheels aren’t going to be great on all terrains – I assume they traded inflatable wheels for a lighter stroller. So if you think you’re going to be on rough terrain, running, in a ton of snow, etc. you may want to consider something else.

In conclusion, I found this to be really well made and had many of the features I love in some of the larger strollers. You can get much cheaper strollers that have a few of the same features, but I found the quality in this to be superior. If I’m keeping it from birth to four years old (and that’s just one kid), I want something that will last.

You can find it on the Mamas & Papas website

Also check out: Shit, I Picked the Wrong Stroller…Three Times.

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