So I asked you all if you had announced your pregnancies in fun and unique ways and it turns out, you did. Ya’ll are crafty and smart and that’s why I love ya.
Here are just a few cool ways to share your exciting news with a memorable pregnancy announcement, all courtesy of your suggestions from Facebook and Twitter. Feel free to add more in the comments!
Fun Pregnancy Announcement Ideas
Christmas Gift
“We found out Christmas Eve. We told my family we had a group present for them and when they opened it there was a 0000 white terry baby jumpsuit inside 🙂 they guessed pretty quickly what we were trying to tell them!”
Buttons Talk
“We had no idea we were expecting our second child until I was getting prepped for an operation to receive laser treatment to remove cancer cells in my cervix. The nurse said I had to take a test just in case I could be pregnant. When it came back as positive I bought a badge that said ‘best big brother ever’ from the hospital cafeteria and pinned it on our son’s shirt. We drove to my husband’s work and our son proudly showed his dad. My husband had to take a double look! Was the best way I could surprise him”
Birthday Cookie
“My daughter bought a cookie cake with a stork on it that said “we are expecting” and revealed it while we were out eating for my son in law’s birthday. We thought all along before we saw it that it was gonna be a birthday cookie. They got us good!!”
“I sent a balloon bouquet to my husband at work and the card read, ‘We’re going to need a bigger car'”
“I made little cards with my 10-week ultrasound on the front and a personalized note “from the baby” inside then presented each one individually.”
Big Sister Promotion
“We told everyone that, due to dedication to our family, we were promoting our daughter to BIG SISTER.”
Wrap it up
“I found out the day after Christmas, so the tree was still up. I told DH that I “forgot” to give him a gift and left it under the tree and he could unwrap it when he got home from work. I wrapped up the positive pregnancy test, left it under the tree and went upstairs to shower. He was so excited to get another gift that he came home early. All I heard was him running up the stairs screaming when he got home!”
Grandma Cake
“We invited both of our mothers over for dinner and I had a cake made at the local store. It was meant to be a baby shower cake but I had them put “Congratulations Grandma’s” on it. It had a really cute little stork figurine on it that we saved as a memento. When I brought the cake out there were a few seconds of silence then the room erupted w/ congratulations and mild screaming. It was so much fun!!”
Fortune cookies
“I had a friend special order fortune cookies to say “A baby in your future,” invite everyone over for Chinese food and said everyone MUST read their fortunes at the same time…”
Special Phone Call
“It was Christmas and my parents live interstate. They knew we’d been battling infertility for 2 years already so when I called Christmas morning I said “Merry Christmas Nana” to my mum when she answered. I heard a shriek and a lot of commotion, then she started crying. According to dad she had dropped the phone and jumped around the living room screaming. Not at all like my mother.”
Framed Ultrasound Photo
“The best reveal was for my grandparents. To put this in context, you have to understand that my grandfather has been wanting to be a great-grandfather since I was 15 years old. It was driving him nuts that we had been married for three years and no baby. So at a big fancy dinner for their 60th wedding anniversary, in front of about 100 friends and family, I told him I had been working on their gift but it wasn’t complete, but I brought a picture of it. I whipped out the framed ultrasound photo and it sounded like a bomb went off with all the squealing. Of course, my grandfather had to have it explained to him, having no idea what it was a picture of.”
Record a Picture
“Some friends had a big family dinner, and my girlfriend said she wanted to take a picture of the whole family, so her husband got up & put the camera on record instead of to snap a picture, her husband said “what do we say Megan??” and she says “We’re pregnant!!” as everyone is smiling & ready for the picture – everyone turned to her in shock & surprise and started hugging her, and they got it all on camera.”
Status Update
“Facebook status update: OVbunEN”
Gender Reveal
“When I found out the gender of our baby (which wasn’t planned since my husband had to miss the apt) I bought a little blue onesie that said ‘if you think I’m handsome, you should see my daddy’ and I folded it up and put it I’m my husband’s dresser, so the next morning when he was getting ready for work he found it and was totally shocked. :). His face was priceless.”
Bun in the Oven
“Invite them over – tell them to open your oven and in it you will find a bun.”
Pregnancy Announcement Cards

How brilliant is this one from Blending Beautiful? (Unfortunately, the site is no longer a thing, but this announcement will live on in infamy.)

I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this shot from A. O’Brien Photography, but it sums up a pregnancy announcement perfectly.

Love the looks this little girl has. I bet she’s made an amazing big sister.

This one would be really simple to do – as long as your pet sits still of course.

That’s one amazing Christmas present.

This one is simple and lovely without getting too ‘bow chicka bow wow’ about how they got pregnant in the first place. I find that’s a slippery slope in maternity photography as well.
Not enough you say?
Check out 60 Cool Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy or our post about creative ways to use a letter board if you’re looking for even more inspiration. Feel free to comment below if you had a creative way to announce your pregnancy!
And lastly, I will never get tired of watching this woman’s reaction. Never. It always makes me happy cry.
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