Babies born in December have a lot to smile about, and not just the fact that there’s a good chance they have a future in dentistry.
These winter babies have a shiny blue birthstone and a festive birth flower that’ll definitely get them in the spirit of the holiday season. If you’re worried about your December baby having to share their birthday limelight with Christmas Day, however, don’t fret. December 24 and 25 are actually two of the rarest days of the year to be born!
Zodiac Signs:
November 22 - December 21
As the symbol for this sign would suggest, Sagittarians are known for being fearless, adventurous, aspirational, curious, funny, intellectual, and spontaneous.
December 22 - January 19
Capricorns are known to be determined, practical, hard-working, responsible, ambitious, and grounded.

December babies hit the jackpot with not one, not two, but three (maybe even four) birthstones, which are turquoise, tanzanite and zircon. Some sources say that blue topaz is also considered a December birthstone. Though each stone is unique, one thing they all have in common is their hues of brilliant blue.
Turquoise is a one-of-a-kind mineral that comes in a range of colors, from powdery blue to greenish robin’s egg blue, with brown ribbons streaking through it. Some cultures claim that turquoise symbolizes the earth and sky coming together. Turquoise can often be found decorating shields and weapons throughout history, thanks to legends that stated the stone could protect anyone carrying it.
Tanzanite is a blue-purple stone that's rarer than diamond since it can only be found within 5 square miles on the entire planet. Tanzanite became extremely popular in 1968 thanks to Tiffany & Co. Unfortunately, its frequent use in jewelry settings meant that the mine in Tanzania where it's found has become almost exhausted of the resource. This makes it extra hard to believe that the old lady had the nerve to throw her necklace into the depths of the ocean at the end of Titanic (yep - The Heart of the Ocean featured a giant, heart-shaped tanzanite gem!)
Although the name zircon might conjure up pictures of the cubic zirconia rings your kids get from the treasure chest at the dentist's office, Zircon is actually a real, natural gem and the oldest mineral on earth. In fact, zircon found in Australia dates back 4.4 billion years! Much like fellow December birthstone topaz, heat is what causes zircon to turn blue (it's most commonly found in a brownish-red color).
Blue topazes are the perfect stone to represent the icy frost of winter. Although these stones often come out of the ground pale or even colorless, heat and radiation are used to bring out their greenish-blue hue. Topaz has been associated with wealth all throughout history, since many people believed it had the power to attract gold. This is probably because topaz most commonly comes in a yellow color - not blue!

Birth Flower:
Could there be a more appropriate choice for December’s birth flower than festive holly? Although this evergreen shrub was once seen as a symbol of fertility and a way to keep witches away, today it’s a symbol of peace, merriment, hope and good fortune. Narcissus is one of many flowers in the genus, but the birth flower for December is the only one that blooms in winter, making it an excellent choice for a symbol of hope.
December Baby Milestones:
Start smiling: Most likely between February and March (6-12 weeks)
Start laughing: Probably by around April (4 months)
Start crawling: Probably between July and October (7-10 months)
Start walking: Likely by September to March of next year (9-15 months)
Fun Facts:
Here are a few fun facts about babies born in December. Do you think they ring true?
A Rare Birthday
December 24 and 25 are the least common birthdays to have during the year (along with January 1st). If your baby celebrates their birthday during one of these days, consider letting them know just how special they are by buying them non-seasonal wrapping for their birthday present ;) (source)
Even-Tempered Babes
They may be less prone to temper tantrums. Studies have shown that winter-born babies tend to have a more even temperament than those born in the summer. In particular, December-born babies were less likely to have temper tantrums than babies born in other months of the year. This may be linked to increased maternal sunlight exposure and nutrition and decreased exposure to infections during pregnancy. (source)
A Future In Dentistry
As crazy as it sounds, one study by the UK's Office for National Statistics found a link between a baby’s birth month and their chosen career path later in life. December babies seem to enjoy the field of dentistry, which is enough to make any parent-to-be smile. (source)
Famous Folks With Birthdays in December
December 2, 1981 - Britney Spears
December 4, 1969 - Jay Z
December 8, 1982 - Nicki Minaj
December 12, 1915 - Frank Sinatra
December 13, 1989 - Taylor Swift
December 17, 1946 - Eugene Levy
December 18, 1947 - Steven Spielberg
December 18, 1964 - Brad Pitt
December 21, 1948 - Samuel L. Jackson
December 30, 1984 - LeBron James
National December Days:
December 1: Rosa Parks Day
December 2: Special Education Day
December 3: International Day of Persons With Disabilities
December 4: World Wildlife Conservation Day
December 5: Bathtub Party Day
December 8: Toilet Paper Appreciation Day
December 10: Human Rights Day
December 21: Winter Solstice
December 23: Festivus
December 30: Bacon Day
What are your thoughts on December birthdays?
Are these babies lucky to be born in the season of sparkling lights and holiday celebrations? Or is it a shame that they might be the recipients of the dreaded “combo” birthday present? We want to hear your thoughts in the comment section!
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